How can Symsilico help decision makers better understand complex systems in health?
When making a decision or trying to solve a problem, failing to understand and address the complex systems involved can lead to many more problems. It can result in Band-Aids rather than solutions, unintended consequences, and wasted time, effort, money and other resources. You can also underestimate the impact of a change, which can include missing both the positive and negative effects.
Systems approaches, methods and tools (e.g. systems mapping and modeling) can help as they have transformed decision making in other fields such as meteorology and air traffic control. Our goal is to do the same in health and public health.
Symsilico’s “virtual laboratories” allow decision makers to design and test proposed interventions and policies within the safety of a computer before trying in real life.
To utilize our systems approaches, methods, models, and tools to help decision makers better understand and address complex issues in health.